Sunday, December 4, 2016

FARWEST: The Base of Future Federal Nepalese Economy

Ravi Dhungel
Dhangadhi, Kailali

          Farwest, currently fifth development region of Nepal and seventh state of the newly mapped Federal Nepal, is talked often as land of economic possibilities and potentials. With respect to its natural and non natural resources availability, the talk is rational and logical. But what is not logical is the vision of negligence from government as well as private sector of Nepal. The economic policy making at government level seems to ignore the chance of obtaining benefits from economic potentials widely spread in this region. The formulated policy lacks in implementative level whether it is related to sectoral economic promotion or infrastructure development for economic activities. Private sectors too are not keen to start or expand their businesses and industries to this region. They rate investment here is too risky as their exists no real favourable environment and support for their business endeavors. They are right to certain extent. But who else will do as they themselves are the potential doers. If they do attempt for any business here in this region, the huge potentials of mega economic activities will surely go idle. This is not to mean they have run a marathon without a proper running track. The intervention of government is key for making operating environment for them and it should participate actively in economic activity promotion to this region primarily at strategy and policy making level. If this is not done, the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) expansion and economic growth of Nepal is not possible even after the federalism. Considering the widespread variety and huge quantity of resources Farwest stands as the base for future federal Nepalese economy.
        Farwest has huge amount of water resources. Many mini, micro and mega hydro-electricity projects can be built around it. The big Pancheswar Project with a total capacity of 6720 Megawatt (Installed capacity 4800 Megawatt) stands as the big base for industrialization in this region. This will solve the lack of electricity problem and encourage commencement of new industries and expansion of other operating industries around the country to this state. The project will itself provide more than twenty thousand employment opportunities during its operation. After its completion and expected rapid industrial growth in this region, Farwest will stand as key employment hub for people from other states of the country. Along with this, the hydro-electricity projects like West Seti and Chameliya are going to make this state as the key supplier and transmitter of electricity to other states of the Federal Nepal. Further, with the completion of Pancheswar and irrigation projects like Ranijamara, more than 40% of the productive non irrigated land will be well-irrigated with estimated rise in crop productivity of 20-30% in the state. There will be surplus crop production than the need of the state which can be starving states and help to survive the people living there. Additionally, it can be a hunting home for water and adventure tourism as its river and water sites are rated as one of the best destination by many international tourism and adventure organizations. If well developed, only this will increase revenue from tourism by 2-5%.
           It also has tremendous variety of non-water natural resources which can be significant contributor to future federal Nepalese economy and it’s GDP. It consists of more than 300 species of vegetation. Most of them can be used for herbal medicines. Some of these are so rare and can be found in few numbers in other states and countries around the world. Herbal medicine industries and processing industries of herbs like Yarsagumba, Paanchaaule, Harrro, Barro and others found in upper-hilly and mountainous region of the state can be established. The medicine produced from these could be base for herbal medicine practice in the country. A research by NADPA (Nepal Ayurvedic Drugs Producers Associations) shows that with these industries, Farwest can supply around 11-16% of herbal medicine needs of Nepal along with possible remarkable share in Nepalese herbal export. Another scope for Farwest for being the base of future federal Nepalese economy is its tourism. Conventional site seeing, mountaineering expedition, home stay, trekking through new routes, river rafting, adventure sports, wildlife and vegetation observation etc. are possible tourism scope in this region. These opportunities are the future base to lengthen the stay duration of tourists in Nepal which is only 12-15 days at this time. This can work as catalyst to increase the national tourism revenue as the longer the tourist stay, higher will be their expenditure.
         Farwest is enriched with mineral mines like mica, copper, coal and petroleum. Nepal has to be dependent on India for petroleum products. The utilization of petroleum resource found in Kailali and Kanchanpur could be base for solving petroleum scarcity problems seen in recent days. The literacy rate of the region is rising as per population census conducted at different times. The literacy rate of the region has already gone to around 50% which shows high level of learning in the region. The literate people more active in economic activities at rural, urban and foreign employment. This has contributed in making the economically active population more conscious on learning skills and being competent. The declining child mortality rate, reducing maternal mortality rate, satisfactory immunization programmes etc. are good signs for improving health status of the residents here. High flow of remittance from foreign employment has improved the living standard of urban, semi-urban and rural communities of the region. This means the populations here are becoming financially strong for making high and heavy expenses. This has opened new gates for national and multi-national companies for their quality products. This is base for new small to large entrepreneurial activities. Along with this, its linkage with both Indian and Chinese borders is the scope for easy bilateral and third country trade with both the countries. Farwest has the opportunity of grabbing its geographical position being bridge between Indian and Chinese trade in its favour in form of tax and non-tax benefits. The Indian roadways and railway expansions will surely fasten the accessibility of the region to key Indian cities like New Delhi, Lucknow, Kanpur and Deheradun. This is the base for faster trade, tourism and pilgrimages between the countries.
          The above discussed economic potentials and perspectives of this region has been based on various statistical and judgmental evidences. There is nothing new in saying it as a pearl of potential as it has been said so far like this many times. What need to be understood is that it has huge role to play in future federal Nepalese economy in different aspects. All these precious potentials should be linked with national economic planning and policy making. Only this will help in attaining the recent objective of National Planning Commission to reduce the current poverty level of 24% down to below 5% and national GDP of double digit growth by the end of 2030. The best answer to the question of who to make effort for achieving this goal is private sector, the government itself and integration of public-private role where required in economic phenomenon. As mentioned earlier, Farwest is the key component of future industrialization, tourism, employment, agriculture, wildlife, vegetation, mines, supplier of vital natural resources, labor force and capital. This is enough to claim it to be the forefront pillar of future Nepalese economy. That's why, it should not neglected and farsighted at planning level, strategy formulation level for economic welfare, economic policy making level, public and private business commencement and expansion and government budgetary allocation. By these deeds only this wonderful base for future Nepalese economy could be the backbone of the national economy of the country. If this is not done, this amazing fertile base of future federal Nepalese economy is sure to be idle and possible skyscraper of economic growth, development and prosperity along with higher GDP of Nepal is not accomplishable at rapid pace letting the nation to be still behind in global economic horizon.

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